Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back in Gloomy Town

You wouldn't  believe my rotten luck -- another one of Fucktard's family member is getting hitched in the next months to come. And where else would it be, but somewhere in this land very very near the US of A.  I'm sure you know which country I am referring to.

These guys are really spending moolah like it would be extinct tomorrow.  And of course, the entire fucking, asshole clan WILL HAVE to attend.  Read: Pressure.

But I already told Fucky that I CANNOT GO.  I have my work, and my darling daughter has a commitment she absolutely, and definitely, cannot, in all her life, miss.

Magically, and perhaps because Fucky is feeling that he himself is getting nauseous over his family's flair for too much style and moolah flaunting -- he agreed that we won't go.  Verrrrrrry good!  I give my fucking husband a perfect 10.  These are just one of those very few moments in my marital life that Fucktard pleased me.

Fucky's ugly niece will be the flower girl again.  My darling dottie is mad ang angry because not one soul from our family was given a part in the wedding. AGAIN.  Hello!!!!  Can I hear favoritism here????!!!!  Well fuck them all, they can all die and rot in hell, together with their stinking money, hahahah! (And more evil laugh when they all get cancer).

I have got so much news to share, but work has tied me down after the holidays, so I haven't been sharing my life's bitter stories here.

An update about that after-Christmas wedding last December was comparable to any royalty's wedding, or even more.  No kidding here: seven hairdressers/stylists housed and flown in from the city where I come from.  four deluxe hotels blocked-off to accommodate the guests, both local and foreign. The country's top notch photographer and videographer were hired.  I'm talking two entities there, okay.  Flowers from this top flower shop located in my country's most prime business district.  A huge welcome beach bag for all guests which included: European perfumes and colognes, chocolates from Europe again, chips from the US, lotion, sunblock, name it, the bag has it.  And a map on what to do in that prime beach resort island get-away.  I am pretty sure I missed out something somewhere in this story post.  No amount of words to describe what transpired there will give justice to all that they had.  Imported wine and cocktail drinks overflowed.  A fire dance to wow the guests was also included.  Of course the quintessential fireworks show was not also missed.  Even the priest was flown in -- a personal friend of theirs, I was informed.  A shuttle to bring the guests to and from the island was hired too.  Everything, to show how fine their tastes were.  The giveaway was a $38.00 item from Spain.  Okay, I checked the site where they ordered in bulk, and that confirmed the puking price. Sorry but I refuse to divulge what they gave.  I am getting too close to the enemy here, I guess.  Don't want to be caught with my pen's ink dripping too much.  Convert that dollar amount to my local exchange rate, and you get a whooping Ps.1643.00 each.  There were 500++ guests, and each, and I mean each one, M, F, or in-between, got one giveaway to take home.  Talk about spending that much!

And dottie and myself stayed at home.  To eat, sleep, watch videos, read, and just plain shit them all out.  I must admit, we were happy when the boys were not home with us.  No one trashed the toilet.  No one left the toilet seat up.  No one messed up the beds.  And I could mention a billion of things why my daughter and I were having a blast partying on our own here.  Even the dog was happy, I swear!

So back to reality, which bites, bigtime.  Another fucking wedding is going to happen.  Well all I can give them for now, is my little, 30-something middle finger sticking out solo and fresh from my butt hole.

To this family who I unwillingly cannot embrace as my own since several years ago:  FUCK YOU ALL, ASS HOLES.

And to my husband, who stuck with me this time -- I'll add you back in Facebook, sweetie.


  1. Glad u r back!!! That lavish wedding, 7 hAirdressers, absurdity! thinking about making a blog, i.not too saavy.though, is it.easy?
    Life is better WHEN i have minimal, 3 hrs/day is max. LOL.about you and daugjter partying it up !!! The toilet seat , ha, i too same prob, i inform my son who is young and understands things quite well, i.say We put the toilet seat down to keep germs from spraying, daddy still needs to learn.
    Son got sick with a head cold that merged my dud and me for a couplr weeks, but now, he is back to his normal self of Interrupting me, assuming, zigging while i zag, making remarks like "you just hate my family"..(ummm Yes, i do!! MIL & SIL dis-respected me on 4 occasions)
    Soooo, my.gray hairs are more visible,.and my back screams for a massage, havent a haircut in 8months, at least i keep up on my nutrition and my body.

    I sometimes wonder and of course jealous what is it like to have an awesome loving, "i wanna understand you," "u r so phenomenal, creative, an fantastic momma, great fun, person to be.married to kind of RELATIONSHIP.

    ridiculous. Who am i foolin? Fuck if i ever get that, this Ramshackle house has at least a dozen projects that have to be finished, some are even left undone since 2001, yeah right he aint gonna finish anytime soon, ha!!

    Whatever, this Sunday its late lunch with the LOUD, OBNOXIOUS, INTERRUPTING in-laws!!!!!

    Joy joy. I am secretly going to record the stoopid interrupting conversations because i need to have "evidence" when a haul this dud ass to couples,counselling!!
    I amthrilled to have covert operation!!!

    I sure will ream out my MIL if she!! Bitch!!!

    I wonder how.amazing.i.could be if i lived and breathed life with. A positive person, i imitated the dud, how he talks to the ground and gives no eye contact young son started laughing really.hard!!!!

    Stoopid dud excuse me , husband. ,

  2. Go ahead and write one. Believe me, it will lighten the load inside your heart. This blog refreshes me, and this is the only place where I could be my true self.

    I could actually tolerate my MIL and FIL. It's the SsIL and BsIL and their spouses that I could not spare any patience for. Note that the "s" means they are more than one. See what kind of freaking luck I have!

    Just imagining that I am chopping their heads off is my euphoric moment when I do some afternoon daydreaming, hahaha.

    Oh I am planning on writing about how shitty my SsIL (Sisters-in-Law) are.

    Til my next very negative, and bitchy post... :)
