Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fucky and Fugly

Funny, I noticed that it's been a while since I got upset at my Fucktard. 

Anyway, last night, I caught him smiling sheepishly while glancing over his Facebook account.  Being someone who is mostly right when my instincts worked big time, I asked him what the reason was behind his naughty, foolish grin.  He quickly dismissed it and answered that he was just replying to a batch mate (yeah, better read about those shitheads in that highlighted word) in high school.

I knew there was something else, and I decided to use my very useful wifely brute force and scrolled more to see what he was fussing about.  What I saw immediately screwed me up -- he was chatting with a fugly batch mate who I am positive, he didn't even knew existed back in high school.  My red buttons immediately activated themselves and what was supposed to be a normal and boring night, turned interesting --  well, at least for our dog, who heard and saw all the drama.

What really blew my already burned up fuse, is this poster which he liked:

What?!?  He agrees that she is one awesome fugly wife?  WTF?  I wouldn't whore a male friend if the tables were turned!  And Fucky was even trying to deflect everything on me by asking how come I don't get mad when he whores other females in FB.  "Well, whaddaya know, stupid", I shot back at him --  "...everything makes it normal and unsuspicious when these females are common, flirty friends!" 

I hope you get my drift up there.

This fugly woman is getting all the attention from my Fucky, she prolly is so ecstatic now that Fucky is giving her all the likes, and is whoring all her posts on FB.  He claims he isn't, but I told him there are many avenues to flirting, and what he is doing is just one of them.  Recalling how he donned that naughty smile, I just wanna chop his dick to tiny little pieces.

But I am convinced that when I dipped his toothbrush in the toilet bowl last night, whatever fiends came with it will take care of him and do their job.  Hah!

Anyway,  I was itching to write about what blew my fuse since last night, but come to think of it, the woman is fugly, I don't give a damn if they screw each other.   So long as Fucky gives me moolah to support my addiction to books, he can damn screw and fuck any hole in the wall.

Here is a photo of Ms. Fugly ---  But because I am protecting my own interests, I had to change her photo a bit.  But believe me, she doesn't look far from this:

UPDATE as of 7/27/2020: Her photo disintegrated in cyberspace when I somehow changed some email settings here.  Sadly, I cannot produce another one anymore.  But if you really want to see a glimpse of her, just take a shit in your regular throne at home, and  before flushing away, take a good look at what you just deposited in there.  Congratulations, you now have seen this bitch.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Back to Trolling!

Once again. 
Sorry for not checking in. 
Been gone for six months, and it's all because of work. 
But I'm back. 
And for good! 
Am back to trolling in lala land!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back Again

Can't believe I managed NOT to write for the past months that I have been dealing with more of Fucktard and his equally fucky family.

Well to start with, we decided not to join them in the next wedding in tow, -- happened sometime this month -- but this time somewhere across the globe.  If you've been following this blog, your guess is right -- it was another lavish, royalty-like wedding.  Good thing my kids have a lot of things needed to be accomplished, and I myself, had a lot of work to do; ergo, we opted to stay -- and told them we are tied with commitments.

But the truth of the matter is -- we all just don't like to join them in another sojourn -- most especially abroad.  My mantra, -- which the rest of Fucky, and our kids have adopted, is -- "I'd rather travel alone, than travel with a  bunch of shitty assholes."

I think, this time, I have to give some BIG credit to my Fucktard hubs, for siding with me, and for sharing the same sentiment with me when it comes to traveling again this time.  But let me tell ya, that in my culture this side of the globe, family ties are tight, close, and strong, -- multiply those qualities, add the word "so" before each adjective, and you know what you'll get: so stifled, so strangled, so suffocated, and so drained.

I'd like to rant and purge myself from these assholes, lemme tell you a thing or two about them. Fucktard has seven other sibs, so you probably get the image-pic of a new, and very overwhelmed wife when I joined them by virtue of marriage years ago:

No. 1 family -- composed of my SIL, her ugly husband, and their two trying hard to be talented, good for nothing grown-up daughters.  If I could kill daughter no. 1 and her mother, believe me, I would.  The other two -- BIL and younger daughter no. 2 -- quite tolerable.

UPDATE as of 7/27/2020:  Daughter no 2 is one of the shittiest nieces ever.  We found out a couple of years ago, that she has been writing in her social media about how she dislikes my children because they are intelligent, smart, and just plain achievers.  Does that count as the sins of my children?  Well I am NOT sorry, bitch!  I am very happy that my children are the most intelligent ones in this fucky family of Fucktard.  Thanks to my genes, they inherited that light bulb brain from yours truly.  So when we exposed your doing to the fucky family, they did not do anything and tried to protect you instead! So two years ago, I told myself that I think it is time to move on and away from all of you, shitheads.  I can't join you, I can't lick you, so DAMN YOU.

No. 2 family -- composed of another SIL, her fat, trillionaire hubs, and their three also grown-up kids -- eldest kid got married in an island wedding not too long ago (read up this blog and you'll find the story), the second got married a few weeks ago this month, and he had an equally lavish wedding.  His wife looks like a mantou (go ahead and Google it).  Everyone, as usual (except for us), raved about the event.  My, I can't imagine how many ass-lickers were there in that event, all gathered under one roof in the five-star, deluxe hotel where the wedding reception took place.  I wanna kill all members of this family.  One swipe, one strike, with a katana I always wish I had, in my very fertile mind.

No. 3 family -- They call themselves the Americans.  Composed this time of my BIL, his wife, and two grown up kids.  Killing BIL is one thing I'd like to do a long time ago.  Since he indeed became an American (he is an officer in service, but I can't tell you what branch in the military) several years ago, he speaks, thinks, and acts like one.  I sometimes find it lame and trying hard too much.  His wife and kids, though, are tolerable.  (Exhaling here, thank goodness.)

No. 4 family -- This SIL does not have an extended fam.  She is an aging female, and her hormones have long stopped working to be able to contribute to the human race.  In fairness, she is a no-frills kind of woman.  So I guess, I kinda like her...  but only in some ways.  Other times, I wish I could tell her to get herself a husband.  Because she often "borrows" my Fucktard...  Like when she accidentally locked her room and the keys were left inside (stupid, yeah), and she had to call my Fucky to help unlock the damn door.  Or when her bedroom light broke, and she needed some tall guy to change the bulb...  You get the picture, right?  The ugly side of not getting married and growing old alone...  For the record -- my Fucky is the youngest in the brood, so the elder ones like this SIL runs to him for "help."  For Pete's sake, things like these get into my nerves big time!

UPDATE as of 7/27/2020:  You tried to drive a car, but can't even back up and u-turn like normal.  So the car got stuck somewhere maybe in the gutter, and you called my Fucky. Naturally, he comes running to your rescue.  And the time stamp on my clock at that time read 2:30 something in the early morning.  What utter stupidity that was, really.  No, I do not find it cute.  But plain annoying and so needy.  I hate needy women, I swear I hate them.  Get some sense, will ya?  It is the 21st century and for hell's sake, be a real woman and grow some balls.

Another update:  My son was about to go back home to his condo because he needs to study big time for an important exam, and he sought help from me to let you know that he CANNOT in any way be bothered.  And you, being the ever-feeling important aunt that you are, tried to ride the car he was in, and made him go with you to eat out in Chinatown.  I felt that as his Mother, my rights were trampled on deliberately because you did not even tell me that you intended to do that EVEN IF I DISTINCTLY INFORMED YOU THAT MY SON NEEDED TO GO BACK TO HIS UNIT ASAP.  I know you had to "ambush and kidnap" him and rode the car when he got out from our gate.  What was your intention for doing so, huh, old and ugly bitch?

No. 5 family -- If No. 3 family is so hooked up in being Americans, No. 5 family is sooo trying hard to be pure Chinese!  Oh, my freakin' ass is quivering now, I'd like to get my invisible katana, and chop all their heads off.  BIL, his wife, plus three kids whose ages are like my own, are all asses.  BIL is the Asshole.  His wife, my SIL, is the Asslicker.  Kid no. 1 is the Asscheek.  Kid no. 2 is the Asscrack, and Kid no. 3 is the Asswhore.  Another swipe and strike for this fam of five.  My MIL is Chinese, but they did not completely grow up practicing the ways of being one full, Chinese folk.  They are Chinese.  We are.  But we also practice living the life of being another race in our homeland, host country we all live in.  Now this fam. no. 5 -- acts like they come from a royal Dynasty of Chinese ancestors.  I could just puke! Ugh!  They do not at all look like Chinese.  Shame on this fam who acts like they are some chinky-eyed, yellow-skinned citizens of this country.  Poor asses.  They are all good asslickers, though, headed by my SIL who I believe, graduated from Asslicker Academy of Asia.  She trained her kids to be great, annoying asslickers too  They live up to that word the day I joined Fucky's fam.  They can "buy" everyone because the mother is such a good Asslicker.  She wants to be the favorite DIL, and she wants her kids to be the favorite nephews/niece in the family.  Sad to say, I can't compete with that.  So to this day, am still contemplating how to top this fam.  Good thing, my kids are beautiful, talented and smart.  They can't compete with that.

UPDATE as of 7/27/2020:  I STILL HATE THIS FAMILY. Period.

No. 6 fam -- No fam, but bitches.  This one is a butch.  She has a bitch in life, and they both look like losers.  This SIL's  security or comfort zone comes from being ass-licked  by the other family members.  She hasn't got her own fam, so she feeds on her nephews and nieces' ass-licking galore.  Of course, I very well know that Family No. 5 tops her list.  That makes me so sad.  Coz once again, I am no good when it comes to licking ass.  I only lick ice cream.  On a cone.

No. 7 fam -- No fam again, just boy toys. This one is a closet queen.  Read No. 6 and the scenario is the same.  Except that this one, is like I said, a closet queen.  A drag queen in hiding.  Guess he is good in licking asses.  And ice cream. On a cone.

So there goes.  The royal family of Shitheads and Shitloads.  Assheads and Assloads.  Bow.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I've Got to Have THIS!

This is SOOOOO ME.
Thanks so much, Jen Piwtpitt.  You are a genius!

Back in Gloomy Town

You wouldn't  believe my rotten luck -- another one of Fucktard's family member is getting hitched in the next months to come. And where else would it be, but somewhere in this land very very near the US of A.  I'm sure you know which country I am referring to.

These guys are really spending moolah like it would be extinct tomorrow.  And of course, the entire fucking, asshole clan WILL HAVE to attend.  Read: Pressure.

But I already told Fucky that I CANNOT GO.  I have my work, and my darling daughter has a commitment she absolutely, and definitely, cannot, in all her life, miss.

Magically, and perhaps because Fucky is feeling that he himself is getting nauseous over his family's flair for too much style and moolah flaunting -- he agreed that we won't go.  Verrrrrrry good!  I give my fucking husband a perfect 10.  These are just one of those very few moments in my marital life that Fucktard pleased me.

Fucky's ugly niece will be the flower girl again.  My darling dottie is mad ang angry because not one soul from our family was given a part in the wedding. AGAIN.  Hello!!!!  Can I hear favoritism here????!!!!  Well fuck them all, they can all die and rot in hell, together with their stinking money, hahahah! (And more evil laugh when they all get cancer).

I have got so much news to share, but work has tied me down after the holidays, so I haven't been sharing my life's bitter stories here.

An update about that after-Christmas wedding last December was comparable to any royalty's wedding, or even more.  No kidding here: seven hairdressers/stylists housed and flown in from the city where I come from.  four deluxe hotels blocked-off to accommodate the guests, both local and foreign. The country's top notch photographer and videographer were hired.  I'm talking two entities there, okay.  Flowers from this top flower shop located in my country's most prime business district.  A huge welcome beach bag for all guests which included: European perfumes and colognes, chocolates from Europe again, chips from the US, lotion, sunblock, name it, the bag has it.  And a map on what to do in that prime beach resort island get-away.  I am pretty sure I missed out something somewhere in this story post.  No amount of words to describe what transpired there will give justice to all that they had.  Imported wine and cocktail drinks overflowed.  A fire dance to wow the guests was also included.  Of course the quintessential fireworks show was not also missed.  Even the priest was flown in -- a personal friend of theirs, I was informed.  A shuttle to bring the guests to and from the island was hired too.  Everything, to show how fine their tastes were.  The giveaway was a $38.00 item from Spain.  Okay, I checked the site where they ordered in bulk, and that confirmed the puking price. Sorry but I refuse to divulge what they gave.  I am getting too close to the enemy here, I guess.  Don't want to be caught with my pen's ink dripping too much.  Convert that dollar amount to my local exchange rate, and you get a whooping Ps.1643.00 each.  There were 500++ guests, and each, and I mean each one, M, F, or in-between, got one giveaway to take home.  Talk about spending that much!

And dottie and myself stayed at home.  To eat, sleep, watch videos, read, and just plain shit them all out.  I must admit, we were happy when the boys were not home with us.  No one trashed the toilet.  No one left the toilet seat up.  No one messed up the beds.  And I could mention a billion of things why my daughter and I were having a blast partying on our own here.  Even the dog was happy, I swear!

So back to reality, which bites, bigtime.  Another fucking wedding is going to happen.  Well all I can give them for now, is my little, 30-something middle finger sticking out solo and fresh from my butt hole.

To this family who I unwillingly cannot embrace as my own since several years ago:  FUCK YOU ALL, ASS HOLES.

And to my husband, who stuck with me this time -- I'll add you back in Facebook, sweetie.