Monday, January 2, 2012

FU All

So your girl friend sent you another text message again. 

FU, both of you, and the rest of your fucking high school friends.

One day I will be able to rise above you all and leave you in your rotting house.

I will find myself another man and leave the shit out of you.

I hate you.

I hate it when you always ignore me. 

When you know how sad or lonely I am, and when something bothers me, you still ignore me, and act normally, as if there isn't anything haywire happening in the household.  I hate you so much.  I wish I had a dfferent husband, a different, better partner in life.  I hate you to the depths of the sea, and to the clouds in the sky.  I wish I could change my life, and re-live it all over again.  I wish I did not marry you, because never in my whole lifetime with you did I feel special and loved, and never still did I feel important or prioritized. 

Always I know that deep inside you, you value your friendships molded in the past.  Always, they will get in the way.  Always, there will be a wedge between your friends and I.  I hate you, and all your high school group.

I hate you, _ _ _ _ (my so-called husband)
I hate you, _ _ _ _ _ (your friend who is still childless)
I hate you, _ _ _ _ (your friend who doesn't have a husband anymore)
I hate you, _ _ _ _ (your friend who was pairing you off with someone else back in college)
I hate you, _ _ _ _ _ (your friend who is in another part of Asia, and is close to you too)
I hate you, _ _ _ _ _ (your friend who is also close to you, and who is also husbandless)
I hate you, _ _ _ _ _ (your friend who also alienated me)

I HATE YOU ALL, I SWEAR, if I die of a brokenheart, I will haunt you all and never leave you in peace.